Featuring the Music of Jonty Harrison
Friday - May 8th - 2009
The Tank, NYC
354 W. 45th St b/w 8th and 9th
$10 each set
7:00 PM Part I: Electroacoustic Music from Stockhausen to the Present
9:30 PM Part II: The Acousmatic Music of Jonty Harrison
AMP is pleased to present SURROUND SOUNDS, a two-part concert immersion into the dislocations of electroacoustic music.
SURROUND SOUNDS will include several different–even opposing–aesthetic instincts developed in electroacoustic music from 1953 to the present, featuring the acousmatic work of Jonty Harrison. What unifies these works is their use of technology to reinvent the relationships between audience, performer, performance space and music to create new “environments” which reflect our modern immersion into a technological world.
Part I proposes an eclectic assortment of interactive, electronic and electroacoustic music, including pioneering works of the mid 20th century as well as contemporary works of the recent past and improvised present. The hour will conclude with Karlheinz Stockhausen‘s classic tape piece Telemusik (a work described as an abstract, non-linear fantasy encounter with Earth radio signals by the activity of channel-surfing denizens of outer-space!). Telemusik filters electronic music through the archival recordings of musical cultures from around the world with a directness and intimidating technical mastery and fluency that have rarely since been matched.
Part II will take full advantage of the specialized, multi-speaker sound system specifically assembled for this event to feature the acousmatic music of Jonty Harrison. Acousmatic music draws upon the power and flexibility of modern technology to develop a novel genre of musical composition housed in a distinct concert situation–a full-body listening experience in an aural holodeck filled with transient sound objects and textures that emerge, morph, isolate, extend, and subsume the audience in virtual space.
Jonty Harrison is widely considered a leading artist in the world of acousmatic music; AMP is very pleased to host a rare diffusion concert of his works in New York City.
There will be an hour-long “dinner” break between the two sets. The Tank serves beer ($3), and the audience is invited to remain in the lounge.
Tickets are $10 for each set.
Part I: Electroacoustic Music from Stockhausen to the Present 7 - 8:15 PM
Gregory Cornelius - Earth and Green (2007)
Morton Feldman - Intersection (1953)
Elizabeth Hoffman - Langanaich (2008)
Sam Pluta - 8'-10' Live EA improv
Kaija Saariaho - NoaNoa (1996)
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Telemusik (1966)
Part II: The Acousmatic Music of Jonty Harrison 9:30 - 10:30 PM
Klang (1982)
Unsound Objects (1995)
Undertow (2006)
Internal Combustion (2005-06)